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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Prayer is to our spiritual lives as breathing is to our physical lives.
Do we value immediate gratification more than long-term blessing?
Can you see where this is headed?
Neuroscience is the latest discipline to cast doubt on the freedom of the will.
Are we holding the door for a nation rushing to ruin?
No one outside the camp is going to hold our place in the public square.
We need to be gracious, patient, and gentle as we try to correct people.
It is time for repentance to begin in the house of God.

Changing Culture

February 26, 2012
"Culture" is not some abstract, far-off idea.
We need fewer reasons and better reasoning.
Appealing to the Constitution won't help us here. We'll need a higher authority.
President Obama is a skilled politician. But is he a wise one?
For all his sincere faith and right principle, the President is still wrong.
A weak conscience results from two primary conditions.

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