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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Dale Tedder

Dale Tedder is a Global Methodist pastor in Jacksonville, Florida. If you would like to keep up with his online ministry or read other things Dale has written, you can check out his website, Walking Points. You can check out his author’s page for books he has written. Finally, Dale’s podcast, Walking Points, can be heard wherever you listen to podcasts.

Advent 2023: Day 1
Living in Between: A Journey of Faith During Advent
Opening Prayer
“Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, now and for ever. Amen.” (BCP 1979)

Weekly Reset: Week 48

November 26, 2023

Every Christian needs a half hour of prayer each day, except when he is busy, then he needs an hour. (St. Francis of Sales)

Weekly Reset, Week 45

November 12, 2023

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's "weekly reset" on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

The "meat and potatoes" of these posts I'm referring to as, "Baxter's Directory," come from Baxter himself. I'm merely compiling, editing, and doing my best to decipher, or translate, his 17th century language so more folks today can benefit from his wise and godly counsel. I'm also handpicking some of my favorites, from his millions of words, so there's definitely bias related to what I have and have not chosen to include. I hope you find this helpful in your walk with Christ.

God's Soul-Reviving Word

November 08, 2023

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's devotional on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's "weekly reset" on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

Happy Sunday,

I pray today will be a special day of worship and drawing near to God for you. Here’s this week’s “weekly reset” to help you spend some meaningful time with God and prepare for your week.

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's "weekly reset" on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

Living Wisely

October 25, 2023

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's devotional on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. (For this devotional, there are two podcast episodes!!!) There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

Meet Richard Baxter

October 23, 2023

God’s Renaissance Man
I have described Richard Baxter as a 17th century Renaissance man. More accurately, he was an English puritan pastor and writer. But that description doesn’t do him justice. According to Baxter scholars, J.I. Packer and Timothy Beougher,
Baxter has been called the greatest of all English preachers, the virtual creator of popular Christian literature, and the most successful preacher and winner of souls and nurturer of won souls that England has ever had.”

Happy Sunday,

I pray today will be a special day of worship and drawing near to God for you. Here’s this week’s “weekly reset” to help you spend some meaningful time with God and prepare for your week.

The Upright Man

October 17, 2023

CLICK HERE to listen to this week's devotional on the Walking Points Podcast, or listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. There's always extra content on the audio version that I pray will bless you.

Just Being Honest?

October 16, 2023

Hit with a Blunt Object

Have you ever met a person who believed they were given the spiritual gift of bludgeoning people over the head with their “honesty?” Are you such a person?

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