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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Dale Tedder

Dale Tedder is a Global Methodist pastor in Jacksonville, Florida. If you would like to keep up with his online ministry or read other things Dale has written, you can check out his website, Walking Points. You can check out his author’s page for books he has written. Finally, Dale’s podcast, Walking Points, can be heard wherever you listen to podcasts.

Our Good Shepherd

October 07, 2019

The summer between my 10th and 11th grade year of high school, I took a 3-week trip out west with eight friends and three teachers.

A New Way of Seeing

October 01, 2019

When do you find yourself struggling most with being discontent? When are you more likely to experience restlessness and anxiety? What’s usually happening in your life when you’re least likely to have joy?

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