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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Voices Together

A Song. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. To the Chief Musician. Set to "Mahalath Leannoth." a Contemplation of Heman the Ezrahite Psalm 88:1-7

A Song. A Psalm of the Sons of Korah. To the Chief Musician. Set to "Mahalath Leannoth." a Contemplation of Heman the Ezrahite. O LORD, God of my salvation, I have cried out day and night before You.

Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry. For my soul is full of troubles, And my life draws near to the grave. I am counted with those who go down to the pit; I am like a man who has no strength, Adrift among the dead, Like the slain who lie in the grave, Whom You remember no more, And who are cut off from Your hand. You have laid me in the lowest pit, In darkness, in the depths. Your wrath lies heavy upon me, And You have afflicted me with all Your waves. Selah

What did Heman the Ezrahite do to get himself so thoroughly on the wrong side of Yahweh? He cry is as a man who has been totally abandoned by his God. Has anyone of us been in this position. Have we been in it without knowing?

I started my study of this Psalm with the question on my mind, “Is this a Psalm which will assist in our study of the Psalms as the Holy Spirit's guide to worship of the LORD, God, the Almighty? The answer is an emphatic “YES” We are called to worship in our times of despair as much as in the times of joy and celebration.

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Morning Psalm 58, Noon Psalm 119:1-8, Evening Psalm 103. .

Alternate Reading Plan is based on 7 chapters/day from 7 sections of the Scriptures. My groupings are: Genesis-Joshua, Judges to Esther, Job to Song of Solomon, Psalms breaking 119 into convenient sets, Isaiah to Malachi, Matthew to Acts, Romans to Revelation.

Set your own reading schedule up in convenient groupings as fits your study habits

John Nunnikhoven

John Nunnikhoven is a member of The Fellowship of Ailbe and has begun working toward what, Lord willing, will become a re-awakening of the Church as a body directed into living the Kingdom in the here and now as it awaits the yet to come.
Books by John Nunnikhoven

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