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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


December 1, 2022
The sense of purpose gets a shot in the arm.

Scary Blessings

November 30, 2022
Suddenly, God fills the room.

Desperate Prayers

November 29, 2022
are the best.


November 28, 2022
God's plan, not ours.
Wisdom as the Firstborn of Creation
They don't need a king; they need a savior.

Sin Reproduction

November 24, 2022
False god's aren't the problem.

Oaths Rule

November 23, 2022
No repentance.
Everyone has lost their way.

Easy Pickings

November 21, 2022
Sin in full bloom.
Wisdom's harvest of righteousness
in this life.


November 17, 2022
with a purpose.


November 16, 2022
too much.
means thinking what's right.

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