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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Plague Tour

December 19, 2022
How not to address a problem.
Wisdom in accepting discipline

Loud and Clear

December 16, 2022
Be "God aware."
The sin is in the verbs.

A Late Start

December 14, 2022
and a tragic end.

Using God

December 13, 2022
to get what we want.

Something Big

December 12, 2022
is afoot.
A meal to satisfy your soul


December 9, 2022
Deep understanding.

Getting It Right

December 8, 2022
this time.
for a great and holy thing.
An awesome gift.


December 5, 2022
and men.
Wisdom in God's created order

Pure Worship

December 2, 2022
An example to learn from.

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