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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


December 19, 2023
The difference between arguments and rebellion.


December 18, 2023
Even useless ones display God's grace.
Wisdom when dining with a king

Fatal Error

December 15, 2023
Effectual rescue.

Spiritual Vision

December 14, 2023
changes everything.

Taking Notes

December 13, 2023
like any student should.

Getting Schooled

December 12, 2023
on Righteousness and justice.
Teaching grace.
Wisdom in respecting old boundaries

I'm Not Ready!

December 8, 2023
When the call pops up out of nowhere.

The Covenant

December 7, 2023
is for everyone.
"You don't just see with your eyes."
God's signature move.

Wakeup Calls

December 4, 2023
They're part of the system.
Wisdom in avoiding predatory lending

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