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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Family Drama

January 23, 2024
Civilization under attack


January 22, 2024
An important ministry field.
Wisdom gathering all evidence before making an accusation


January 19, 2024
Or servant?

Time Out

January 18, 2024
Pulling back from a snap decision.


January 17, 2024
The power of being genuine.

Too Honest

January 16, 2024
Doing the right thing.
Wisdom in loving your enemies


January 12, 2024
Blessed be the LORD.

I Was There

January 11, 2024
Eyewitness testimony

Letting Go

January 10, 2024
The proper practice of faith


January 9, 2024
comes from a clear calling.
Shrewd and gentle at the same time
Wisdom in seeking the sweetness of Christ

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