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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium


September 21, 2023
Esther and Mordecai save their people. Esther 9.1-17
A great and glorious reversal. Esther 8.1-17

The Reveal

September 19, 2023
Haman bites the dust. Esther 7.1-10
Does anyone learn them? Do we? Esther 6.1-14
We can see ourselves in her. Esther 1-5
God at work in and through Esther. Esther 5.1-14
Esther and us, too. Esther 3.7-15
You could be misled. Esther 3.7-15

We Must Obey God

September 13, 2023
As Mordecai did. Esther 3.1-6

Like God

September 12, 2023
Mordecai is a type of God. Esther 2.19-23

A New Queen

September 11, 2023
Meanwhile, back in Persia... Esther 1, 2

Down Payment

September 10, 2023
A good start, but only that. Ezra 4-6
It can move us to obedience. Ezra 6.13-22
Another plot blows up. Ezra 6.1-12

Let's Review

September 7, 2023
Another letter to a Persian king. Ezra 6.6-17

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