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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
Got some serious tramplin' to do. Malachi 4.3
Both are coming. Malachi 4.1, 2

Turning Point

December 3, 2023
Toward a future and a hope. Malachi 3
Yep. That's us. Malachi 3.17, 18
God listens to those who fear Him. Malachi 3.16

Hard Words

November 30, 2023
Guard against this sin. Malachi 3.13-15

Rob God?

November 29, 2023
Not a good idea. Malachi 3.8-12

God Unchanging

November 28, 2023
And aren't we glad? Malachi 3.4-7


November 27, 2023
John, Jesus, you, me. Malachi 3.1-3

Itching Ears

November 26, 2023
False shepherds are a constant problem. Malachi 2

Word Wearied

November 25, 2023
God's patience has limits. Malachi 2.17
And God hates it. Malachi 2.13-16
Stay awake and aware. Really. Malachi 2.10-12
We are messengers of the Lord. Malachi 2.7-9
How could we not? Malachi 2.5, 6

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