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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Keep an eye on your learning motives.
Like it or not, God has appointed it for us.

Solid Food

August 16, 2021
It's available to us all, and we all need it.
Maturity in Christ is for every disciple.
You can see faith at work, if it's there.
We need to make sure of the fundamentals.
How can we teach the lost?
The goal of disciple-making.

Who? Me?

August 2, 2021
Yes, you and me and all of us.
Discipleship is a full-time, lifetime calling.
Jesus was on a mission, and so are we.
It's basic to discipleship.
It should be ours as well.

Seek Jesus

July 21, 2021
We can't follow Him if we don't know Him.
For the disciple of Jesus, Jesus defines all.

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