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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
All our affections are valid, and we need to nurture them all.
We have to understand this. Really.

Heart of it All

October 25, 2021
The heart is the seat of affections - the driving force of the soul.
The heart is the heart of the matter in strong souls.
Strong souls worship well.

Soul Watchers

October 18, 2021
Why we need elders if we are to have strong souls.
Because that's the nature of the life of faith.


October 13, 2021
Trials can strengthen the soul, if the soul is strengthened for trials.

Rightly Focused

October 11, 2021
Seeking the Kingdom begins here.

Soul First

October 8, 2021
It is the shepherd's primary duty.
It's not what you might think.
We need to get our classroom in order.
Christ is the goal of discipleship.

Make a Connection

September 29, 2021
The Spirit will lead you from there.
Focus on the person you're wanting to reach.

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