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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Pastor to Pastor

Painful Conviction

Are you standing in the way of revival?

Revival! (2)

Nathan said to David, “You are the man!” 2 Samuel 12.7

Ministers of Scotland: Lectures on Revival II
The Rev. Jonathan R. Anderson, Minister of Kirkfield Parish, Glasgow
“The effect of a revival of religion is to discover to men, that as they are guilty and ready to perish, so they are altogether corrupt and unprofitable. The ideas of their own virtue and strength, in which they gloried, are now dissipate; and a painful conviction is produced in their minds, that ‘every imagination of the thoughts of their hearts is only evil and that continually.’ To persons in this state it is not enough that you assure them of safety; they require spiritual health and purity.”

Many pastors steer away from preaching that brings conviction of sin. We don’t want people to feel bad, to feel like we’re judging them. They might just leave and go somewhere else. But any pastor who is not willing to preach and teach and make disciples in a way that leads to conviction of sin is standing in the way of revival. Revival cannot occur where conviction and repentance are not heart-felt and wide-spread. What if Nathan had said to the Lord, “Now, Lord, I know you don’t want me to hurt David’s feelings, and who am I to judge him, anyway? If I confront him, I might find myself out of a job!” We will not seek revival, and plead with God for it, until we understand how desperately in need of it we are. Look at the world! Look at the Church! Can you not see that our “ideas of virtue and strength…are now dissipate”? Revival will not happen without conviction of sin. The Spirit of God is working for conviction of sin (Jn. 16.8-11). Are we?

How would you explain to a new pastor the best way to maintain a balance between seeking conviction of sin in your preaching and assuring people of the unfailing love of God?

Preparing for Revival
Join us online once a month to pray for revival. Surely you can spare 30 minutes, once a month, to join with other pastors and church leaders to seek the Lord for revival, according to His Word? We’re looking for men who will commit to seeking the Lord for revival together. If you’re interested, write to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and I’ll give you a list of available times.

To help you in preparing for revival, we have two brief books that won’t take you more than an hour to read. Preparing Your Church for Revival tells you what to expect as the Lord begins to move, and shows you how to get ready even now (click here). Restore Us! provides the rationale and means for praying together for revival. It includes 12 psalms to guide your times of praying together (click here).

All quotations in this series are taken from Ministers of Scotland,Lectures on Revival, Richard Owen Roberts, ed. (Wheaton: Richard Owen Roberts, Publishers, 1980). Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

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