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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Bruce Van Patter

As a freelance illustrator, graphic recorder, and author, Bruce is on a lifelong journey to delight in the handiwork of the Creator. And he’s always ready for fellow travelers.


February 21, 2018

The Amish girl behind the counter at the Farmer’s Market views me with puzzlement as I take a photo of the bags of flour in her stall. But when I make my purchase, she gives me her usual parting words, “Have a great deh.”

The hero we need

February 20, 2018

While packing today, I come across two figurines in my bureau drawer. I have long forgotten why I put them there. But they make an odd combination: Horus and Batman.

Shining through

February 18, 2018

I sit down in a new sanctuary – recently built and new to me. I lift my eyes to the front of the sanctuary and there I see a cross unlike any other I have seen. For it is made entirely of light.

A wave of violence

February 17, 2018

On the way to see my son’s new office in Harrisonburg, Virginia, we walk past a sculpture that captures the dismay I feel about the latest school shooting.


February 16, 2018

I am alone in the woods and walking on water. And through water. And under water. And by water. Water, water, everywhere.


February 15, 2018

Why is red the color of love?

Back alleys

February 13, 2018

When I want a feel for a town, I don’t head for Main Street. That’s for the tourists and TripAdvisor junkies. For me, nothing gives an unvarnished feel for a place like an alley.

Too close

February 10, 2018

Wedged between a large man and the plane window, I wonder where else in our society a person has to have constant contact with a stranger for four straight hours.

Welcoming challenges

February 09, 2018

Sunlight is often playful. Today it sneaks through a window in the room where I am prepping for a meeting and selects one word out of all that I’ve written. Challenges. Is that some kind of sunny joke?

Unexpected beauty

February 08, 2018

Her face is striking, even seen through the window of a moving car: pale, beautiful, slightly anxious. I only catch a glimpse as we pass. Later, I have to walk back to get a better look.

Into the tunnel

February 06, 2018

Traffic is moderate on the dreaded I-95 when my phone reminds me to pay attention. The industrial landscape around Baltimore did not look very promising for a post. But then, ahead, I saw it.

An accurate portrait

February 03, 2018

If you were to have one image to communicate who you were to the world, would you smile? What might you hold in your hands? What background would you choose?

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