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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Bruce Van Patter

As a freelance illustrator, graphic recorder, and author, Bruce is on a lifelong journey to delight in the handiwork of the Creator. And he’s always ready for fellow travelers.

Hand to the plow

March 24, 2018

For what are you working? What will be the sum total of your career?

A face in the crowd

March 21, 2018

Sometimes it’s hard to go to street level.

The lit bush

March 17, 2018

Alone in a city, with an evening to myself, I am wandering.

When I finally notice the old man, he is looming over me with his arms raised over his head.

Slow lightning

March 11, 2018

Ralph Waldo Emerson once called enthusiasm, “leaping lightning.”

God speaks

March 09, 2018

In my dinner with a new colleague, Kim, we have just reached a major turning point.

The winding way

March 06, 2018

It’s Monday morning, and at 8:18, I am cresting a mountain range.

A glimpse of glory

March 04, 2018

It is Sunday morning and my soul is, once again, soaring on the intricacies of the music of Bach.

A closer look

March 02, 2018

As I step outside to photograph the snow that is quickly building on the grass, I decide to get as close as the camera will let me.

The gift of surprise

February 28, 2018

Every year, I am always taken by surprise by the first sign of life in the garden.

Sowing encouragement

February 24, 2018

Two seats over from me in a crowded airport gate, a young teen bends over his sketchbook. I decide we should talk.

To the edge

February 23, 2018

Only minutes remain before I am to start scribing an event in Hollywood (sigh: Florida) and I am staring into the huge eyes of a robot.

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