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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Some disciplines you only need occasionally. But they must be ready.
Celtic Christians knew that true community doesn't just happen.
It takes all kinds of work to advance the Kingdom of Christ.
We need to be frequently reminded of this.
Holiness must be our goal.
Learning to love requires discipline, like it or not.
How aware are you of the disciplines that organize your life?
Coemgen illustrates the importance of spiritual disciplines.
Learn, teach, leave a legacy. Got it?
The early monasteries set the pace for the later ones.


March 13, 2018
Celtic Christians remade their society and their culture. We can, too.
We must not forget those who have gone before us in the faith.
Can God use us like He did Patrick? Why not?

True Sun

March 1, 2018
We are the rays of Jesus' glorious light. Shine on.
Fix your hope on Jesus, and then live toward Him.

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