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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Following Christ will not be comfortable, but it can be exhilarating.
We can live the there and then, here and now.
Rest in the Spirit, and follow as He leads.
Why should we not expect the same?
Fursa was one of the first of the Irish peregrini.
There are no small people or things in the Kingdom of God.
Is the legacy you're building the one you want?
We live in one world, not two.
Creation speaks to us, as it did to those ancient Irish missionaries.
To the world, we're nobodies. But we're definitely somebody to Christ.
Who can satisfy God in these days of no absolute truth?
Irish peregrini understood the importance of discipline.
Irish missionary/monks hungered for the Word of God. So should we.
Colum Cille was the whole package.
From the monasteries of ancient Ireland, missionaries took the Gospel to the world.

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