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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Love not the World June/Training for Mission 18 June 2010 Who can satisfy God in the last times, when the noble rules of truth have been changed, save for those who scorn this present world? - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) Do not love the world or the things…
Hindrance to Faith June/Training for Mission 17 June 2010 The wrathful zeal of fire will consume the enemy, who do not wish to believe that Christ came from God the Father. - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who…
In the Meantime June/Training for Mission 16 June 2010 When Christ, the most exalted Lord, descends from heaven, the most glorious sign of the Cross, and the banner, will shine forth. And when the two chief luminaries are covered up, the stars will fall to the earth like fruits from…
The Prophet and His Law June/Training for Mission 15 June 2010 Who has ascended Mount Sinai to speak with the Moses, judge of the people of Israel? - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among…
The Tree of Life June/Training for Mission 14 June 2010 We read in the most noble opening of Genesis that Paradise was planted by the Lord in the beginning, from whose spring the four rivers flow, and in whose flowering midst is the tree of life whose leaves, bringing health…


June 11, 2010
Sovereign June/Training 11 June 2010 By the divine powers of the great God the globe of the earth is suspended, and the circle of the great abyss set, held up by God, by the mighty hand of the Omnipotent. - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) He is the radiance…
Ruler of Kings June/Training for Mission 10 June 2010 The frail, oppressive, and fleeting glory of the kings of the present world is laid low by God's will. - Columcille, Altus Prosator "Listen to me, you who know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law; fear not the…
Whom to Fear June/Training for Mission 9 June 2010 Plucked from the midmost place, he was hurled down by the that men should not...commit fornication before the eyes of all. - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you,…


June 8, 2010
Bundled June/Training for Mission 8 June 2010 Frail men would be stupefied with fear at the horror of their faces and the sound of their flight, not being able with bodily vision to behold those things which are now tied in bundles in the knotted bonds of dungeons. - Columcille,…
Creator of Stars June/Training for Mission 7 June 2010 At the same time that the stars, the lights of the ether were made, the angels all praised the Lord, the Maker of heavenly things...out of love and free will, not simply from inborn nature. - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th…
The True Struggle June/Training for Mission 4 June 2010 The great Dragon, worst of all, terrible and ancient...dragged a third part of the stars with him into the abyss of the infernal places... - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red…
As Satan Was Falling June/Training for Mission 3 June 2010 From the summit of the kingdom of heaven, of the habitation of angels, puffed up by the brilliance of his [own] splendour, by the beauty of his [own] appearance, Lucifer had fallen... - Columcille, Altus Prosator (Irish, 6th century) And…
He Created Angels June/Training for Mission 2 June 2010 He created the good that the goodness and majesty of the Trinity, in all the largesse of its munificence, might not be idle, but might have heavenly dignities in which, with a potent utterance, it could be mightily manifest. -…
Theology in Verse June/Training for Mission 1 June 2010 The exalted Creator, Ancient of Days, and Unbegotten One was without a first beginning, or a foundation; He is, and He will be for unending ages. His only-begotten Christ, and the Holy Spirit, are coeternal with Him in the everlasting glory…
Then and There, Here and Now May/Discipline 31 May 2010 "I think it right," said Columcille, "to tell thee a difficulty of our own." "What is this difficulty?" said Colman, "for there is no one to whom it were more fitting for us to refer any difficulty that we may…

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