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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Kingdom Seeking July/Holiness 15 July 2010 Four things through which the kingdom of God may be sought: steadfastness and detachment from the world, devotion and constancy. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will…
Live Till You Die July/Holiness 14 July 2010 Four teachings for which we should strive, even if we do not fulfill them: devotion to God, gentleness to men, good will to every person, expecting death each day. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) For to me to…
Foundations of Piety July/Holiness 13 July 2010 The four foundations of piety: patience to withstand every desire, forbearance to withstand every wrong, asking pardon for every deception, forgiving every sin. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) Then Peter came up and said to him, "Lord, how often…
Truth Rising July/Holiness 12 July 2010 As a lamp brings forth its light in a dark house, so truth rises in the midst of faith in a person's heart. When it rises there, it casts out four darknesses: the darkness of paganism, the darkness of ignorance, the darkness of doubt,…
Sheltered for Holiness July/Holiness 9 July 2010 The body shelters the soul. The soul shelters the mind. The mind shelters the heart. The heart shelters faith. Faith shelters God. God shelters man. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) You, O LORD, will keep them; you will guard…
Love the Church July/Holiness 8 July 2010 He who lives in unity with the universal church, and reposes in the hope of heaven, and fulfills the commandments as they have been commanded, will have hundredfold rewards on earth and eternal life in heaven. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish,…
The Power of God's Love July/Holiness 7 July 2010 What does the love of God accomplish in a person? It kills his desires, it cleanses his heart, it protects him, it swallows up his vices, it earns rewards, it prolongs his life, it washes his soul. - Colman mac Beognai,…
The Love of God July/Holiness 6 July 2010 Love of the living God washes the soul, contents the mind, magnifies rewards, casts out vices, renders the earth hateful, washes and binds the thoughts. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) He said to him the third time, "Simon,…
To Fear God and Love Him July/Holiness 5 July 2010 Love God: everyone will love you. Fear God: everyone will fear you. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your…
Holiness and Love July/Holiness 2 July 2010 It is when full of charity that one is holy. He walks in charity. Every evil fears him; every good loves him. He has honour upon earth; he has glory in heaven. - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) So now…
Pursue Holiness July/Holiness 1 July 2010 Faith together with works, eagerness together with steadfastness, tranquility together with zeal, chastity together with humility, fasting together with moderation, poverty together with generosity, silence together with conversation, division together with equality... - Colman mac Beognai, Aipgitir Chrabaid (Irish, 7th century) Since we have…
He Lived His Name June/Training for Mission 30 June 2010 Living his name, living his soul, from the crowds he prepared under the holy Law. - Dallan Forgaill, Amra Cholumb Chille (Irish, 6th century) She said to them, "Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara, for the Almighty has…
Man of the Word June/Training for Mission 29 June 2010 The teacher wove the word. By his wisdom he made glosses clear. He fixed the Psalms, he made known the books of the Law...the books of Solomon, he followed them...he read mysteries and distributed the Scriptures among the schools... -…
He Lit Up the East June/Training for Mission 23 June 2010 He was learning's pillar in every stronghold, he was foremost in the book of complex law. The northern land shone, the western people blazed, he lit up the east with chaste clerics. - Dallan Forgaill, Amra Cholumb Chille (Irish,…
Lament for a Departed Prophet June/Training for Mission 21 June 2010 Now he is not, nothing is left to us, no relief for a soul, our sage. For he has died to us, the leader of nations who guarded the living, who was our chief of the needy, he has…

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