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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.



“I see people, but they look like trees, walking.”

The former blind man, with Jesus’s spit drying on his eyelids, strains to focus as he answers Jesus’ question about what he sees. It must have been equal parts thrilling and frustrating for him.

It’s a curious healing. As a young Christian, I assumed by the two-step process that this was a just a tricky case for Jesus. But I think now, putting it into the context of Mark 8, that Jesus isn’t stymied by the blindness. He’s giving his disciples an object lesson. He is showing them how sight – as well as insight – sometimes comes slowly.

This is on my mind because we’re getting new windows this morning. I’ve been impressed by the speed of their installation. Even more, I’ve been amazed by the difference it has made. I had thought our windows were clean before. But never like this.

It’s like we have a new view of the world outside.

I wish insight came as quickly. But it seldom does. Right after this healing, Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Only Peter gets it right, but then completely misses the mark on what Jesus’s purpose on earth is. And these were the men that saw it all: the stories we know and the many that we never learned. Despite that, they were slow to see.

I can relate to them, and to this man’s blurred vision. I strain to discern God’s purpose for me in the coming years and my view is vague. There are rough shapes, but no details. It’s easy to feel a bit panicky – maybe it will never get any better!

But Jesus had no intention of leaving the man with his world of mobile vegetation. Or the disciples with their spiritual confusion. Or me with my ambiguous future.

The healer is patient. His hands over the eyes are firm but gentle. His will is for us to see.

It may just take a while.

Lord, how patient you are to heal our blindness. We need to trust you at every stage along the process. Give us insight. Give us clarity. We want to see, to understand, more of who you are and what you are doing. Through your Spirit, open our eyes.

Bruce Van Patter

As a freelance illustrator, graphic recorder, and author, Bruce is on a lifelong journey to delight in the handiwork of the Creator. And he’s always ready for fellow travelers.

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