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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


These free downloads are available to Members of The Ailbe Community, to strengthen your walk with the Lord and your ministry in His Name. Do you have an idea for a free download? Write to The Fellowship at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we’ll talk about it.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

The Law of God is a much-neglected portion of God's Word these days. Too bad, for as John Calvin shows us, much benefit can come from more careful and prayer study of the Ten Commandments and all the Law of God. These excerpts from Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments are a special, 6-week edition of our monthly Pastor to Pastor resource.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

Every church needs to improve its work of Christian education - the work of making disciples. John Amos Comenius, author of The Great Didactic, offers insights and counsel as to how we can enlarge our vision, sharpen our focus, and be more effective in seeking results from our efforts. These 28 readings and meditations can help to enhance your church's work educating the people of God.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

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