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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

With Us Always

December 20, 2023
And we must always care.


December 18, 2023
What does God say about this?


December 15, 2023
It's family business, not government.
A bit more on debt.


December 11, 2023
It can be a trap.


December 8, 2023
They don't have to be uncertain.


December 6, 2023
Honesty, truth, neighbor-love.


December 4, 2023
The Law of God on currency.

The Future

December 1, 2023
It's justice and love or withering and death.
God means it for good.
Government begins locally.


November 24, 2023
We need an economy of justice and love.
A hallmark of a good society.

Private Property

November 20, 2023
It's good, but not as life's goal.
We don't live in the same economy as the world.

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