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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


September 12, 2022
What will you leave behind?


September 9, 2022
We all have a calling to mission. Right where we are.

Keeper of Values

September 7, 2022
We are meant to be like Jesus.


September 5, 2022
We won't have it unless we value it.


September 2, 2022
When God calls, we seek.


August 31, 2022
God is calling. Should that be important?
The conscience keeps the values of the soul.
We can't do without it.
The Church can't flourish without the Law.
The Spirit forms the conscience of the Church.
Grace is the Church's coin of there realm.
And it doesn't have the magistrate's powers.
But the Law is still her Law.
The Church needs the Law.
It's a matter of yes and no.

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