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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

My devotional on the epistle of James was just released by Reformation Heritage Books. Below is the last of the 47 devotions that take us through the letter. James closes on a note both somber and hopeful, reminding us that truth matters.  

Advent 2022: Day 10

December 06, 2022

Advent 2022: Day 10

Working Faith

February 04, 2022

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

Week 1: Jesus

I mentioned at the end of a sermon I preached in December, that in 2021 I would provide a weekly resource focused on a title or description of the person and work of Jesus. My hope is that this "year with Jesus" will encourage you to reflect on our glorious Lord Jesus, and thereby, help you desire to know him better, love him more, become more like him, and grow in your worship of him and service to him.

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