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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Harvest Angels

September 6, 2023
A fearsome lot.

Fencing Sin

September 5, 2023
What applies to some, does not apply to others.


September 4, 2023
Choose wisely.
Wisdom in taking refuge in the name of the Lord

All In

September 1, 2023
Nothing less will do.

The Hidden Sin

August 31, 2023
Or is it?
Sin ruins everything.

Dual Use

August 29, 2023
This should not be.
And the internet? Whoo boy!
Wisdom when you lose faith in institutions

Team Spirit

August 23, 2023
The "works" you can see.


August 21, 2023
We grow up but not grow out of it.

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