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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Truth isn't pretty.

Deep Sleep

January 15, 2019
can be a special communion with God.

Questioning God

January 14, 2019
Even the heroes of the faith did it.

Getting Serious

January 11, 2019
We would do well to model the attitude of Melchizedek.
They can be more than just treats.

Tough Lessons

January 9, 2019
Learning from our mistakes sometimes depends on prayer.

Secular Wisdom

January 8, 2019
is of limited use.

Serve the Lord

January 7, 2019
Success isn't the objective.

Great Faith

January 3, 2019
Faith is trust. Trust leads to action.

Great Faith

January 3, 2019
Faith is trust. Trust leads to action.
Generational gaps can be the key.
can mean ignoring lots of interesting things.
is fighting humility.

Who Begat Whom

December 28, 2018
Genealogies can skip generations.

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