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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
John sees sin institutionalized.
There's more going on than we can see.
A glimpse toward the end.

Two Witnesses

December 26, 2015
Amid the hell on earth, witness!
Merry Christmas!
What is the "mystery of God"?

Hardened Hearts

December 23, 2015
The terrible blinding power of sin.

Hell on Earth

December 22, 2015
The vision shifts to earth, and it's not pretty.

Four Trumpets

December 21, 2015
The fourth facet opens without a sound.
The Lamb Who overcomes! He will tend His flock!
The worship in heaven is augmented again.
Here's the answer to yesterday's question.
The Lord is coming: Who can stand?
Who are these, under the altar in heaven?
Three more horses and riders, but not is a conqueror.

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