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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
God did not let Israel forget His grace.
A message of hope in the face of judgment.

God's Desire

March 26, 2016
God does not give up on His covenant.


March 25, 2016
The opposite of glory is shame.
Be careful where you rest your heart.
Assyria would be the new Egypt.

Sow the Wind

March 22, 2016
Israel was about to reap the whirlwind.


March 21, 2016
Israel's problem was that she chose her way rather than God's.
Israel had become God's enemy.


March 19, 2016
Mix with pagans, and you become pagan.
How many different ways can you say, "wicked"?
There are consequences to rejecting God's covenant.
Outward piety is not enough.
The call to Israel was ever the same.
God calls Israel to return to Him, but it's too late.

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