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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium

The Works and Word of the Father

Are we prepared to witness like Jesus did?

The Gospel of John: John 10.34-42

Read and meditate on John 10.34-42.

Jesus had the works of the Father and the Word of the Father on His side. So do we.

He answered, “It is written in your law,
‘I said, “You are gods.”’ 35If God chose to call
them gods, to whom the Word was given (and
the Scriptures are unbreakable), 36how can
you say of Him the Father sanctified,
and sent into the world, ‘Now You have lied,
and are blaspheming,’ just because I said,
‘I am the Son of God’? 37But if instead
of doing what My Father wants, I do
some other works, not His, then surely you
must not believe Me; 38if, however, I
My Father’s works do, though you still deny
Me, yet believe the works, that you may know
and that you may believe it to be so,
that God the Father is in Me, and I
in Him.” 39Therefore they sought again to try
and seize Him, but He went out from their hand.
40And so He left and went away again
beyond the Jordan where John baptized at
the first, and stayed there. 41Many came to that
location, seeking Him and saying, “John
performed no sign, but every word of John
about this Man was true.” 42And many there
believed in Him.

- John 10.34-42

1. Christians have been redeemed and saved unto good works. But ultimate, it’s not our good works that we bear witness to, but the good works of the Lord Jesus. Meditate on Acts 10.34-42. How should the works of Jesus fit into your witness for the Lord? Complete this prayer: Lord, I thank and praise You for Your many good works, especially…

2.  Jesus turned the Word of God in Psalm 82 on His detractors, because He wanted them to see themselves in that psalm. Why? Should the people to whom we bear witness be able to see themselves in the Bible? Should this be part of your witness for Christ? Explain. You Word says all people are sinners, Lord. Your Word says unbelievers have chosen the Lie rather than You. Help me in my witness to…

3.  Jesus has said that the Word of God, empowered by the Spirit, testifies of Him and gives life (Jn. 5.39; Jn. 6.63). This suggests, following Jesus’ own example, that the Bible should feature large in our witness for Christ. What are some passages you might use to help people understand the works Jesus has done? Lord, I pray for my unsaved friends and colleagues, that today…

4.  We’ve seen that, while believing into Jesus is an event, evangelism – the work of making the Good News known – is typically a process. How can you see this in Jesus’ witness? What are the implications of this for our witness? Give me patience, Lord, and help me to keep working to…

5.  Review John 10.34-42. What are the most important lessons you take away from this passage? How can you begin to put those lessons to work in your life? Bring together into one prayer the prayers you composed for questions 1-4.

“The Jews thought that what he had said was … hateful and blasphemous, for he had shown himself in these discourses to be God. Therefore they rushed at once to stoning and set to work passionately to hurl stones. He, however, strongly refuted his adversaries by the example and witness of the Scriptures.” Novatian (fl. 235-258 AD)

Are you prepared to use the Scriptures like Jesus did in your witness for Him? Explain.

Closing Prayer
O God, how long will the adversary reproach?
Will the enemy blaspheme Your name forever?
Why do You withdraw Your hand, even Your right hand?
Take it out of Your bosom and destroy them.
For God is my King from of old,
Working salvation in the midst of the earth.

Psalm 74.10-12

Psalm 74.10-14 (Rockingham Old: O Lord Most High, with All My Heart)
How long, O Lord, must they prevail, and mock and spurn Your holy Name?
Why stay Your hand? Deploy it now, and bring Your foes to lasting shame!

Our God is King from long ago, Who works deliv’rance in the land;
He split the sea, He crushed His foes; against Him none can ever stand.
T. M. Moore

We are happy to offer each week’s Scriptorium studies in a free weekly PDF, suitable for personal or group use. You can download all the studies in our series on the Gospel of John by clicking here. Please prayerfully consider sharing with The Fellowship of Ailbe through your giving. You can contribute to The Fellowship by clicking the Contribute button at the website or by sending your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452.

Men, God is calling you to pray. Watch this brief video, then seek the Lord about joining our Men at Prayer movement.

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All psalms for singing adapted from
The Ailbe Psalter. All quotations from Church Fathers from Ancient Christian Commentary Series IV a and b: John, edited by Joel C. Elowsky, General Editor Thomas C. Oden (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006. Verse translation of John by T. M. Moore.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore