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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

A Lesson from Ford

November 29, -0001
Ford Motors announced yesterday that it will make a $3 billion profit for 2009. Neither GM nor Chrysler will make any profit whatsoever. It is instructive, I think, to recall that of the "Big 3" automakers, Ford is the only one who did not take federal bailout money or succumb…

Budget Freeze

November 29, -0001
Flailing in a turbulent sea of unwise policies and bad decisions, the Obama Administration is grasping at everything it can to stay afloat. The latest life preserver is the budget freeze the President will announce tonight. No matter that it has but very little substance - given the unprecedented budget…

Then What?

November 29, -0001
The tragedy in Haiti gives American's an unprecedented opportunity to consider our approach to renewing a nation. Right now, thousands of self-denying, heroic American men and women are working around the clock to help the battered and suffering people of this sad island. Untold thousands more have given money and…


November 29, -0001
For months now we have been hearing that the Republican Party is in complete disarray - no viable leader, no agenda, and little or no voice in matters of public policy. Now it seems the Democrats have also taken out membership in that elite club. The victory in Massachusetts of…

Follow the Logic

November 29, -0001
The outpouring of help to the people of Haiti has grown from a trickle to a stream to a flood. Relief is pouring in from all over the world in what is becoming the worst single-nation disaster in human history. Everything from food and water to medical assistance, clothing, rescue…


November 29, -0001
The Massachusetts special senatorial election on Tuesday is being touted as a referendum on the Obama Administration and its centralist agenda. Perhaps it is. Conservatives in Congress and the media insist that, no matter the outcome, the people of the Commonwealth are voicing their outrage and that they represent a…

The Haiti Question

November 29, -0001
So many questions swirl up from the rubble of the Haiti earthquake that it almost seems presumptuous to pick one as somehow of most significance. How can a country become and remain so impoverished? What kind of leaders allow this to happen, while they aggrandandize themselves on the back of…

Reid My Lips

November 29, -0001
The Lord Jesus reminds us that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks" (Matt. 12.34). So what's Harry Reid's heart full of, now that we know what he privately said about President Obama back in 2008? I doubt that Harry Reid is a racist. Senator Reid is…

Conservative Shift?

November 29, -0001
A recent poll indicates that, at present, those identifying themselves as conservatives outnumber liberals by more than 10 percentage points. That's not so surprising. What is surprising is that, for the first time in many years, conservatives outnumber moderates by 4 percentage points. I can't get too excited about this,…

Let the Sun Shine

November 29, -0001
The Obama Administration has rejected a call from C-Span to follow through with an oft-repeated campaign promise, namely, to allow C-Span to televise hearings and deliberations relative to health care reform legislation. Mr. Obama didn't just make this promise once. Insisting that his would be the most transparent administration in…

A Watershed Year

November 29, -0001
2010 promises to be a wathershed year for America. By this time next year we will have a much better picture of the kind of nation America will be. We are presently on a course of

The Esteem of the Church

November 29, -0001
Esteem of the Church in the secular world has slipped to an all-time low. That, at least, is the impression one gets reading William H. McNeill's contribution to a special issue of The Hedgehog Review devoted to the emerging cosmoplitanism. In the face of a worldwide movement to create a…

The Long View

November 29, -0001
America's political leaders are making decisions today that will affect the nation's future for the next generation. Increased government involvement in the economy, policy decisions affecting the environment, the growing sense that our war with Islamic terror will continue indefinitely, and dramatic overhauls in education assessment are just some of…

"The Art of Compromise"

November 29, -0001
The immorality of the pending health care legislation is slowly coming to light. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada today extolled the Democrats' victory and explained all the horse-trading and deal-making as "the art of compromise." He said that any Senator who didn't practice this was not a very good Senator.…

The Gamble

November 29, -0001
Senate Democrats are now poised to pass major health care legislation - not reform legislation, just legislation. The votes are now in place, and, because the Senate version is such a squeak-through, it will probably trump the House version and be the final bill, or close to it. The Democrats…

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