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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

When the King Comes

September 10, 2024

Lord Jesus, what does revival look like? 

Abiding Near to God

September 05, 2024

Be more like Jesus

The Lord our Righteousness

To Be Like Jesus

June 04, 2024

O, to be like Thee!

Holy Love

January 25, 2023

Faith Revolution
God used the first seven verses of today’s Scripture to revolutionize my faith almost thirty years ago. I was teaching a study by R.C. Sproul called, The Holiness of God. It was a needed balance to my view of God which, in the tradition of many “mainliners” of my generation, understood God exclusively in terms of his attribute of love. When I say, “his attribute of love,” what I really mean is what we usually think God’s love ought to be like, in our humble opinion. For many of us who grew up in church, the unconditional love of God is almost synonymous with the unconditional niceness of God.

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