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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Uses of the Law in the Church

The Law has three important uses in the Church.

Law in the Kingdom (6)

Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law. Romans 3.31

No place for the Law?
Paul had just completed a summary argument against the idea that people can be saved by keeping the Law of God. This is what certain Jewish sects were teaching in his day, and Paul denied such teaching vigorously. Men cannot by their own efforts at keeping the Law of God attain the righteousness necessary for finding acceptance with God. Only Jesus Christ can provide that; we are saved, Paul insisted, by clinging to Jesus and appropriating, by grace through faith, His righteousness as our own.

That being the case, it might seem that there is no place for the Law of God in the life of the believer or his church. If the Law can’t save us, and Jesus can, then all we need is Jesus, right? The Law is no longer relevant, it would seem.

Immediately Paul moved to disabuse his readers of any such notion. “Do we then make void the law through faith?” he asks. And then answers emphatically, “Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.”

The Law will not save us, but it is not made void. Jesus saves us; His righteousness is credited to us; and the Law is established still.

But established for what purposes, Paul?

Uses of the Law
In Romans 7, Paul explains three uses of the law in the life of the believer. I know that some will argue that, in Romans 7, Paul is describing his pre-Christian experience. But this argument derives, I believe, from a predisposition against the Law of God as having any abiding validity in the life of the believer or the Church. If we let Paul speak for himself, he doesn’t appear to be describing a past experience in this chapter; all the crucial verbs are in the present tense. He’s talking about his ongoing experience as a believer, and anyone who reads this passage for its plain meaning can certainly identify with what the apostle describes.

What, then, are the uses of the Law of God, as Paul outlines them in Romans 7?

First, the Law of God is useful to define the nature of sin and to alert the believer or the congregation to its presence (Rom. 7.7). Remember, the Spirit of God is at work within us, to make us willing and able to be pleasing to God. A central part of His work is to convict us of sin (Jn. 16.8-11), which He does by shining the pure light of the Law of God on the dark recesses of our souls. Paul says we’ll never know what sin is, or be aware of its presence, if we refuse to subject our souls to the searchlight of God’s Law. James described the Law as the Law of liberty precisely because of its power, through the Spirit, to liberate us from the strength of sin.

Second, Paul insists that the Law of God marks out the path of holiness, righteousness and goodness for the believer, who has been redeemed by grace through faith unto a life of good works (Rom. 7.12; Eph. 2.8-10).

Again, the Spirit within us works not only to convict us of sin, but also to convict us of righteousness (Jn. 16.8-11), and the holy and righteous and good Law of God is His instructional aid of choice. By the Law, the Spirit shows us where we have strayed, and in the Law, He shows us how to get back on the path of love.

Finally, the Law of God puts in stark relief the law of sin that operates within us as a result of the lingering effects of the fall (Rom. 7.21-23). The Spirit uses the Law to convict us of judgment, that is, to warn us of divine displeasure, should we choose to follow the law of sin instead of the Law of God, and of Fatherly discipline which will surely ensue (Jn. 16.8-11; Heb. 12.10, 11). This is similar to what we see Moses doing in Deuteronomy 28, where he warned the people of Israel against flouting the Law of God. The Law thus reminds us of the holiness of God, of His faithfulness to His Word, and of His power to bring discipline against us when we stray from the path of righteousness (Heb. 12.3-11).

Abolish the Law?
The Law of God is thus essential to such elemental aspects of the life of faith as spiritual growth, being equipped for ministry, exercising church discipline, stimulating one another to love and good works, raising our children unto the Lord, admonishing, correcting, and teaching one another, and understanding and learning from the trials and afflictions God brings our way from time to time.

The Law is also important in doing the work of evangelism, for only in the light of the Law will unbelieving sinners be able to see their sinful condition and understand the reason for God’s provision of Jesus and His righteousness.

Shall we abolish this holy and righteous and good Law? Shall we ignore or neglect it, or fail to delight in and love it?

As Paul would say, “Certainly not!”

For reflection
1.  How is the Law of God established for living in the Kingdom economy of God?

2.  Can we experience the transforming work of the Spirit apart from the Law of God? Explain.

3.  Along with the Law we need all the rest of God’s Word, to help us know Him and understand His will. But we must not neglect the Law, for it is the acorn to the oak of all Biblical revelation. Explain.

Next steps – Demonstration: How might you use the Ten Commandments as part of your Gospel presentation? Talk with a Christian friend about this question.

T. M. Moore

This week’s ReVision study is Part 8 of a 10-part series, “The Kingdom Economy.” You can download “Law in the Kingdom” as a free PDF, prepared for personal or group study. Simply click here. For a background study of Kingdom economics, order the book, The Kingdom Turn,  from our online store, and learn what it means to enter the Kingdom, not just talk about it.

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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore