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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

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May 26, 2023

Everyone needs encouragement. Just as important, every believer is called to encourage others.

But what is encouragement? What does it accomplish? How does being encouraged affect us? How can we become better and more consistent at encouraging others?

These are the questions we’ll be exploring in this short course entitled, “Encouragement.” We begin by looking a two really great encouragers at work, and then briefly examining the work of the great Encourager.

Who, by the way, dwells in all who believe in Jesus.

Below, you will find the links to download the course materials.

It’s easy to get the idea that being a disciple of Jesus is a matter primarily of external commitments.

That is, if you want to follow Jesus, you have to find a church, plug into a group, join up for some ministry, or by some other external means let it be known that you are a disciple. Without invalidating that view, I want to insist that following Jesus is first of all a matter of the soul – heart, mind, and conscience. Unless we are inwardly devoted to Jesus, focused on Him, and committed to knowing and growing in Him, and doing His will, no amount of external involvements will make us true disciples. Not for very long, at any rate.

We begin this series, Disciples Making Disciples, where true discipleship must always begin – within, in the disposition and bent of our souls. Only as we focus on the calling which is ours in Christ Jesus will our discipleship have any staying power. Keep that focus, and press on in seeking Jesus, and you will be His follower all the days of your life. And you’ll help others follow Him as well.

Below, you will find the links to download the course materials.

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2 Samuel

April 23, 2023

David’s path to being king has taught him a lot. He understands that his anointing is a huge deal. Thus, he respects Saul to a surprising extent and puts to death an Amalekite who claims to have killed him.

David assumes the throne absent any bossy attitude. Mercy and reliance on the LORD will be his style.


November 28, 2022

The greatest story ever told begins in doubt, takes root in unlikelihood, and blossoms into praise and thanksgiving with the birth of an unexpected child.

1 Samuel

November 26, 2022

Hannah is living the unbearable pain of a barren woman in Old Testament times. In her anguish she vows to give a son to the LORD if He will grant her one. Deal. Hannah delivers the young boy to Eli and then sings God’s praises.


July 24, 2022

The book of Judges is about failure, and the failures get off to a great start. The tribes of Israel repeatedly fail to finish the job of driving out all the Canaanites. Some failures are worse than others, but there are very few successes. This book will be one long downhill slide.

Psalm 119

June 19, 2022

Besides being the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119 is distinct in other ways. Except for the first three verses, Psalm 119 is entirely a prayer. In it the anonymous psalmist pours out his heart in longing to know God’s Word and to gain the benefits it affords. Psalm 119 is an abecedarian psalm, as we will explain, and this makes it a long and beautiful poem as well.


June 19, 2022

Paul is upset that the Galatians have been led astray by a group of Judaizers into thinking they need to be circumcised to be Christians. He starts his apologetic case against them by establishing his authority and by pointing out the confirmation he received from Peter, James, and Paul. More logic to come.

Welcome to the website of The Fellowship of Ailbe.

Here you will find abundant resources to encourage and equip you for realizing more of the presence, promise, and power of God's Kingdom. We hope you will browse each section of our site, where you will find study materials, podcasts, teaching letters, and more—all free of charge—to help you in studying God's Word and living a Christian worldview.

The resources below explain the need for revival in our day—for renewing in God's people and a great awakening to faith throughout the earth. Only God can bring such a revival, but He commands us to seek Him for it through prayer and repentance. Give Him No Rest is a morning-and-evening reader, using excerpts from Scripture and the writings of Jonathan Edwards to encourage us in seeking the Lord for revival.

Our study called Revived! explains what revival is, why it's needed, and what your part is in seeking revival from the Lord. This study is set up for personal or group use. Download these resources by clicking below.

We hope you'll browse our website and register at the bottom of this page to receive one or more of our teaching letters. May the Lord bless you abundantly as you continue seeking Him.

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