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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates

A Good Law for All

September 26, 2011
A Good Law for All

Demand Consistency

September 25, 2011
Demand Consistency

All Things Good

September 24, 2011
All Things Good

Public and Private

September 23, 2011
Public and Private
To Check the Hubris of Leaders
A Lengthening of Prosperity
The Destruction of Nations
What Nations Desire
Look for Eternal Life
Look for God’s Spirit
Look for a Sacrifice

Look for a King

September 15, 2011
Look for a King

Look for a Kingdom

September 14, 2011
Look for a Kingdom

More Revelation

September 13, 2011
More Revelation
Portent of Things to Come

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