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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
How clear is your vision of Jesus?


October 1, 2019
It's a most important, but largely neglected, spiritual exercise.
If we only knew how to listen and look.
When we're hungry for Him, we'll go to Him.
We can return civility to our society.

Soul Friends

September 17, 2019
Got one? We all need one.

Work, Rest, Repeat

September 12, 2019
It's God's pattern for our lives.
Enrich your heart - and your prayers and life - with the psalms.
We can't nurture or care for our soul if we don't understand it.

Weapons of Truth

September 3, 2019
Are you armed and ready for today's struggle?
We really should sing more.
When you're hungry, you will feed.
We need a complete witness, like Patrick's.
He is the strength and subsistence of everything.
You live in two worlds at once, but which one predominates?

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