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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Handed Down

October 6, 2022
To us, by us.

Social Order

October 4, 2022
Christianity for daily life.

In All Our Work

September 29, 2022
We do it unto the Lord.

What to Bestow?

September 27, 2022
Christian misers, beware!

Plunder Away!

September 22, 2022
Jesus is doing it, so should we.

No Small Callings

September 20, 2022
Everyone and everything matters.

Scorn the World?

September 15, 2022
Worldly ways, that is.
We are keepers of God's creation.
To keep and to develop.
We can see Him everywhere.

Why Creation?

September 1, 2022
We have a duty here.
It's the way to revival.
Living the unseen realm.
We all need to practice it.

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