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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Ailbe Admin

The Fellowship of Ailbe is pleased to offer this opportunity for you and a Christian friend to embark on an exciting outreach for the Kingdom of God. The Mission Partners program uses a variety of teaching and learning resources to help you establish a beachhead for the Kingdom in your Personal Mission Field, and to begin enlarging that beachhead day by day. Two formats are available, and the program is adaptable for use in a Bible study group or Sunday school class.

To learn more, please download the Mission Partners flyer, or use the form below to get started!

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Once you're signed up, click here to access the Mission Partners content.

ViewPoint Leaders Survey

September 20, 2015

Help us serve you better. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey that follows. Your answers will help us know how we can help you realize more of the presence, power, and promise of the Kingdom in your walk with and work for the Lord.


Help us serve you better. Please take a few minutes and complete the survey that follows. Your answers will help us know how we can help you realize more of the presence, power, and promise of the Kingdom in your walk with and work for the Lord.


ReVision studies are designed for individual or group use and explore various aspects of the Christian worldview. A typical study is seven lessons long and includes questions for discussion or reflection and action steps designed to help bring what you are learning into your walk with and work for the Lord Jesus. All ReVision studies are available in free PDF format and may be duplicated for group use.

What is the Christian's responsibility with respect to civil government? This free study examines the Biblical view of government and calls believers to take their place in making government a servant of God for good.

Love Your Neighbor Freely

September 23, 2014

The Law of God and Public Policy

Love must be the guiding principle in using personal property.

Property and Communities

September 21, 2014

The Law of God and Public Policy

Property is a trust, to be used with love.

Disciplining the Body

September 16, 2014

Body and soul must work together for our sanctification.

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