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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
I stand under this massive oak in a fine mist.
What a way to start his ministry!
I’m glad the sun is slightly veiled this morning.
Solitary tracks in the snow seem a fit visual for our times.
The book is new. The lyrics are ancient.
My moment of surprise today came with the chalk.
Paring down is like waking up.
There are plenty of warning signs.
I never asked my parents why they bought this print.
Here's all that’s left of my favorite plant.
The problem isn’t just that we have small minds.
This is the perfect visual for our conversation.
Melting. It’s one of my favorite things about snow.
This stand of pines feels like an oasis from the falling snow.
Call it a tapestry of contention. I call it done.


December 22, 2020
I am alone in a wintry wood.

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