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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
What a bleak landscape. Let me tell you how I got here.
I almost missed this.
Today, I am only looking at hands.
This is the perfect place to make mysterious.

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October 26, 2021
Now, here is the real thing.
He is like a stern man taking a bow.
The building is old and simple and sadly beautiful.
What should I say the Christian life is like?
Even broken, the bridge is impressive.
I’m camping solo, but I’m not alone.
If any place would have what I’m seeking, this would be it.
I have never seen such a plant.
All the beauty here drives the point home.
This little building is where the plans went horribly wrong.
What's the next best thing to knowing an answer?
My compost bin is having way too much fun.

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