Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

You Send Your Spirit, They Are Created!

Jesse Slusher

Psalm 104:30 When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth. 

  Psalm 104- what a beautiful psalm of God’s created world!   Starting with the very beginning of creation to the daily working of  the created order we see God alive and actively working in the life of the earth and moon, the seasons, and the tender, daily provision for His creatures.  His creation reflects His glory and is a source of great joy to Him.  This great truth of God’s intimate involvement with the order of His world is worthy of our meditation as verse 34 suggests.  Yet, many of us have an immature theology when it comes to the created order.   Our main focus is on our redemption and the well being of the human race as it should be but we forget that God has made us stewards of His creation.  Should it not then fall to us as a redeemed community to rejoice with God in the world He has made and see how it reflects His glory?

  When it comes to creation it’s quite possible we are afraid of becoming pantheists, worshipping every rock, plant and creature as God, Himself.  We know that would be  false worship to a false god, for the created world is not God but a reflection of Him.  Creation’s wonders mirror how wonderful He is.   It is His intent that we understand this and know Him better through the things He has made.

  Verse 30 grips with purpose and vibrancy and in it we see a role of the Holy Spirit not often discussed in theology texts.  We know that the Spirit in salvation renews our very being (Titus 3:6) but do we realize that He renews the earth as well?  We are not to be deists when it comes to creation, believing that God wound up the clock of the universe and is now letting it tic-toc away with a cursory, disenterested glance now and then. Rather, we understand that all things, “All Things,” are held together by Him (Colossians 1:17).  O Believer, let’s meditate on God’s power, glory and tenderness in our wonderful salvation and also through the creation He has made that reflects His glory and this world He has made for us to enjoy!

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