Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Walk In The Light Of The Lord – Advent 1 2010

Chuck Huckaby

Advent 1 2010

Isaiah 2:1-5, John16:7-11, Romans 13:11-14

Advent is the time when the Church reminds itself of the coming of the Lord in His Incarnation and Second Advent. Frequently we find ourselves turning to the prophecies of Isaiah to reflect on ancient Israel’s longing for the coming of the Lord.

Isaiah 2:1-5 in particular is a wonderful prophecy of the Lord’s Word going out from Zion to transform the nations. As we reflect on it this Advent we must recognize one thing as we apply it to ourselves. What would that be? That in the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ the prophecy is even now being fulfilled.

Here is a link to the sermon audio: Walk In The Light Of The Lord

Here is a summary of the audio, though not a complete transcript.

Isaiah prophesied during the reign of King Uzziah. Uzziah’s reign started out well. He at first was faithful to the Lord and all went well. He became famous and know throughout the region for his skill, his army, and his wisdom.

But at the end of his life (2 Chron 26) he grew arrogant – it was not enough to worship the Lord, he dared to enter the Temple of the Lord and seek to offer incense and other offerings before the Lord. The High Priest and 80 other priests tried to stop him. He threatened them and just as he did, a skin disease broke out on his forehead and he was removed from the Temple never to go there again. He remained as King, but had to live in quarantine so that his leprosy would not spread. God had banished him from His presence.

What did this mean to the people? A once great King, it seemed as if Uzziah might be the one to fulfill God’s promise to David – a son who would reign forever on the throne. (2 Sam 7)

I will raise up after you your descendant, who will come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom…. I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. I will be a father to him, and he will be a son to Me.

Solomon had built the promised house but he became sinful and his heart went after other gods. Now Uzziah had began so well … but now he is cast out from the presence of the Lord never to enter the Temple again!

Had God’s promise failed?

Isaiah’s prophecy comes in response to this dilemma… the seeming failure of the coming of the Messianic King who would be God’s faithful son and who would reign forever.
Even though the King who looked so promising has been banished from God’s presence, God will fulfill His promise made to David and send a Messiah!

This Messiah WILL be established, his ministry or “house” will never be undone.

The nations will come to Him.

His instruction will go through the nations transforming them… and bringing peace and the renunciation of war.
His truth will settle disputes …

And because of that Isaiah says to the people – don’t grovel in your despair but, instead, live in the Light of the Lord. Renew you’re your devotion to the Lord instead of believing God’s plans have been sidetracked!

Uzziah may be cast out from the Lord’s presence, but the Lord calls you to enter!

That is why, for Paul, the resurrection of Christ changes everything. He declares the One who has been raised to be the “Son of God in Power” in Rom 1:4. Jesus is the one in whom all these promises have been fulfilled.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit ensures the prophecy will come true.

The Holy Spirit goes throughout the world with His prophetic work convincing and convicting whereas Jesus as a human was locked into one time and place.

The Holy Spirit hovers over the world bringing in the New Creation just as the Spirit hovered over the chaos at the creation of the world (Genesis 1) – the Spirit draws people to this Lord and convinces them that His way is true.

That is why in Acts 1:8 the descent of the Holy Spirit and bearing witness through the nations is connected.

Who is this Jesus we worship and declare as Messiah this Christmas season (and every day)?

He is the peacemaker promised. When the Good News of Jesus came to the Germanic tribes they gave up their idolatry and blood feuds and submitted themselves to the Law of God that said not to kill!

Islamic Jihad spreads through warfare and enslavement – it is the Good News of Jesus that spreads through the power of the Holy Spirit opening hearts and minds and drawing them to Jesus.

It is the Word of God that transforms the nations…
Jesus Christ through His Word at work through the power of the Holy Spirit… transforms people … gave dignity to women… set free the slaves… provided help for the poor and the sick worldwide… built schools… advanced science and medicine… gave the world its concept of human rights and liberty… and in many ways this prophecy has been fulfilled before our very eyes through the advance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ if we will care to look.

After declaring such great promises, God through Isaiah called the people to embrace the promises of God and renew their devotion.

In light of the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a Son who would not fail, Jesus Christ the Lord, Paul says in Romans 13:11-14 that in Light of Christ’s coming we should do exactly what Isaiah called for …

The daylight is near, so let us discard the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk with decency, as in the daylight: not in carousing and drunkenness; not in sexual impurity and promiscuity; not in quarreling and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no plans to satisfy the fleshly desires.

It’s time to get to work and live as people who are part of God’s unfolding plan to bless the nations!

We do not live waiting on prophetic promises. We live in a time of fulfillment. Not only has Jesus risen from the dead, He is at work even now throughout the world. Join His work!


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