Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Sickness and Reflection

Chuck Huckaby

This has been for me a year of physical struggle, the last two weeks of which have been a struggle with sickness that does not seem to end.

Sickness has a wonderful way of reminding us that we are not God and that we are entirely dependent upon God’s grace and providential care to sustain us. If you’ve ever marveled at people who say things like “God told me to get up in the night and pray” – and you scratch your head because the sleep in your eyes as the alarm clock rings makes you wonder if God wants you to ever get out of bed – you’ll find that sickness can change that!

In recent days I’ve had pain and sickness get me up in the middle of the night when prayer seemed the only logical response.

With prayer often comes reflection. 

Are our lives being wasted?

Is our “Christian” activity purposeful or more a form of “spiritual wheel spinning”?

What have we done that has made an impact for the Kingdom?

What have we done – who have we touched – whose lives seem to have been changed for the better for the Kingdom?

What legacy will we leave behind us?

These are questions sickness prompts…

But don’t wait for sickness to ask them and find their answers… though use the opportunities you have.

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