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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Astonished at Our Teaching?

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

6 November 2010

It would be a mistake, I think, to understand “astonished” in Matthew 7.28, 29 as meaning “delighted.” Probably something like “shocked” or “astounded” is what the apostle intended.

Jesus did not teach like the scribes, who sought only to keep order and maintain the traditions of the community. He taught with authority. He held out bold promises, elevated people’s view of themselves, made big demands, exposed shallow religion and false teaching, put their lives in an eternal context, and made the Law and Word of God deeply personal, spiritual, and relevant. The people were astonished because no one had ever spoken to them like that. Some rejoiced to hear His teaching; others plotted His destruction.

When we remember that the Word of God, in the hands of God’s Spirit, is alive, powerful, penetrating, convicting, and transforming, it should bring us to repentance and more earnest longing for the anointing of God if our teaching does not, from time to time, astonish the people we serve. We will be teaching with authority when our teaching is more like that of our Lord Jesus.

T. M. Moore

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