Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

A Prayer of Contrition Based upon Jeremiah 2:11-4:14

John Nunnikhoven

My morning devotions have included Jeremiah who though speaking forcefully to Israel and Judea, also had us in view.  One cannot read his prophecy without without being convicted of the state of our churches today.  I felt that the Lord was asking me to write the following prayer as a plea to His Church to come to their knees, confessing their sin in accepting the Spirit of the Age in their midst.

Please pray with me.

Lord, we, Your chosen people have abandoned You. We no longer drink from the fountain of living water, that fountain that renews and revives, but we turned to gods of our own understanding. Even those of us who give lip service to such issues as Biblical inerrancy and Your absolute supremacy, waffle and weave when pressed. We are weak, our self-constructed belief systems do not hold the living water.

We, Your chosen people, have sought to live as the pagan culture around us lives. Our communities are wracked by contention among themselves and with each other. We do not show the love of brother that You told us would be the identifying mark of faith and transformation, blazing as a luminous tattoo across our lives We do not show a sacrificial love of neighbor that You call us to; our service to others is based upon excess rather than sacrifice. We do not give until it hurts, we hurt to give. Our first question when called by You is, “Can I afford this?” not “Praise You, my Lord, for providing this opportunity to glorify Your Name by serving my neighbor.”

We, Your chosen people, continue striving to blend in with the culture around us. We have abandoned Your law, we have forsaken our calling to be holy even as You are holy; we desecrate the Sabbath, we have adopt the gods of secular humanism—such as materialism, choice, and self-determination. We ignore all the evidences that the world’s gods do not suffice; we are as blind to the consequences as the world is. We deserve again to be spewed from Your mouth.

Yet, if we, Your chosen people, would turn to You in contrition and repentance, You are quick and gracious to forgive and restore to Your presence. You will bring us into Your flock where we will be supplied with faithful shepherds leading us back to the living waters. Then and only then will Your chosen people take their rightful place as Your Ambassadors of Reconciliation.

Return, O faithless sons; I will heal your faithlessness,” says the Lord God Almighty to His chosen people. Let us bow down before the LORD; let us acknowledge Your preeminence; let us confess our sin; admitting that we have lusted after false gods and not obeyed You. We have lied to You, claiming the we love You but refusing to adhere to Your Word.

Bring revival to Your Church; quicken our hearts to be obedient to Your Word; lead us into the Kingdom as Your witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the very ends of the earth. Ignite Your chosen people, LORD, to become the spark that sweeps the firestorm of revival through Your Church and emboldens us to make disciples for You as we go about our daily task of living to glorify You.

To You and through You, in all things, Amen

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