Jesus’ resurrection launches Christianity as he shows himself to many people and then disappears into the clouds. The disciples struggle to take it all in.
Acts: Christianity Is Launched
Acts, Week 2: From a Miracle Springs a Sermon
Acts, Week 3: Rapid Growth in Jerusalem
Acts, Week 4: The Persecution Heats Up
Acts, Week 5: The Holy Spirit Drives Events
Acts, Week 6: The Persecution Gets Violent
Acts, Week 7: The Persecution Backfires
Acts, Week 8: God Converts Saul
Acts, Week 9: The Gospel Spreads to the Gentiles
Acts, Week 10: Miracles Rule!
Acts, Week 11: Everyone Needs to Learn to See
Acts, Week 12: Great Revivals Bring Great Division
Acts, Week 13: Challenges Come from All Directions
Acts, Week 14: Things Get Redirected
Acts, Week 15: Paul’s a Riot
Acts, Week 16: Paul’s Opponents Need a Clue
Acts, Week 17: Steady Growth
Acts, Week 18: God’s Always in Charge
Acts, Week 19: Paul’s Plan to Get Arrested
Acts, Week 20: Paul’s Defense Starts a Riot
Acts, Week 21: Paul Is Safely Delivered to Felix
Acts, Week 22: Paul Outwits His Accusers
Acts, Week 23: Paul’s Trial Moves Up the Ladder
Acts, Week 24: The Miraculous Shipwreck
Acts, Week 25: Rome!