Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

2 Samuel

Mike Slay

David’s path to being king has taught him a lot. He understands that his anointing is a huge deal. Thus, he respects Saul to a surprising extent and puts to death an Amalekite who claims to have killed him.

David assumes the throne absent any bossy attitude. Mercy and reliance on the LORD will be his style.

2 Samuel Week 1: Big Shoes
2 Samuel Week 2: Forgiveness
2 Samuel Week 3: Consolidation
2 Samuel Week 4: Glory Lands
2 Samuel Week 5: The Heart of Grace
2 Samuel Week 6: The Anatomy of Failure
2 Samuel Week 7: A Lesson in Grace
2 Samuel Week 8: Paybacks
2 Samuel Week 9: Collapse
2 Samuel Week 10: Priorities
2 Samuel Week 14: Holy Purposes
2 Samuel Week 13: Division
2 Samuel Week 11: The Tide Turns
2 Samuel Week 12: Reconstruction
2 Samuel Week 15: Blessings
2 Samuel Week 16: What’s Important

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