Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Stand Firm, Walk in the Spirit

Stan Gale
Stan Gale

Two proven resources to help you in making disciples.

Christians are called to run the race that is the Christian life. They are to progress in holiness. They must decrease; Christ must increase. But before we can run we have to learn to stand and to walk.

Standing brings to mind a firm foundation, a place to find solid footing and stability. That firm foundation on which the new believer is to be stationed is the Word of God. Standing speaks to firm footing for stability in the faith and protection from the destructive winds of the fallen world and the wiles of the prince of this world who would lure us to the quicksand of false teaching and doctrinal accommodation.

Walking looks to the manner of the Christian life, to the working out of our new life in Christ. Paul describes this in terms of character and conduct.

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph. 4:1–3)

We are to walk by the Spirit who unites us to Christ, that we might not carry out the deeds of the flesh but instead realize our redemption as new creatures in Christ.

That means that shepherds need to attend to the flock in their care in order to ground and build them up in Christ and establish them in the faith. Like a toddler walking, one step in front of the other, believers need to find solid footing in the truth and equilibrium of grace. We want our lambs grounded and growing in Christ, maturing as sheep who know the Shepherd, hear His voice, and follow Him.

Two proven resources to help shepherds tend the flock under their care are The Christian’s Creed and A Vine-Ripened Life.

The Christian’s Creed

This book unpacks the declarations of the Apostles’ Creed to establish disciples on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. They will be brought to understand a Trinitarian salvation appointed by God the Father, accomplished by God the Son, and applied by God the Holy Spirit. They will be exposed to basic tenets of Christian faith, hope, and love.

A companion workbook serves as a study guide for The Christian’s Creed that seeks to promote personal faith in the faith.


A Vine-Ripened Life

Jesus insists that for spiritual life, health, vitality, and growth we must abide in Him. He wants authentic fruit of us rather than mere lip service or external conformity. He wants much fruit, fruit that will last.

A Vine-Ripened Life explores what it means to abide in Christ and examines the fruit of Christian character that finds its example in Christ and its production in the sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit.

Study questions as the end of each chapter help to cultivate that fruit.

Help the people you serve walk in obedience and stand firm in the truth that is in Jesus.


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Stan Gale
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