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St. John Paul the Great

George Weigel reminds us of His achievement.

George Weigel provides an excellent concise overview of the ministry of Pope John Paul II in his article, “St. John Paul II: Centenary Reflection” (First Things, August/September, 2020).

Weigel highlights nine aspects of the pope’s work that have abiding significance and are important benchmarks of his papacy:

  • The West represents the forging of Jerusalem and Athens, of faith and reason.
  • Humanity is theotropic: In the depths of our being, what all people most desire is to know God.
  • God is not a rival to other religions or worldviews, since He seeks only the best for all.
  • “Choice” is not everything, but must be coupled with reason and responsibility, for truth and goodness.
  • Jesus Christ is the answer to the question that is every human life.
  • Salvation is fundamentally a matter of love.
  • Love is self-gift.
  • Evangelization is in every generation a Christian priority.
  • The Church is a public Church for influencing all aspects of life.

These are important components of a Christian and Biblical worldview, and they remind us why many people refer to St. John Paul as John Paul the Great.

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