February 20, 2024
Yahweh Sabbaoth, Lord of hosts,
Our omnipotent God who commands the armies of heaven, there are not words enough to speak of the great things you have done, nor to praise you as you should be praised.
As we call to mind your deeds of steadfast love to us, we also remember that you have been faithful to us despite our faithlessness. You have been good to us despite our sin. You have loved us despite how we have disregarded you.
“Both we and our fathers have sinned; we have committed iniquity; we have done wickedness” (Psalm 106:6).
As you dealt with ancient Israel out of the abundance of your steadfast love, do so again in our day with us.
We want to live obedient and faithful lives, knowing that we are always in your sight and surrounded by your presence.
Through Christ our Lord, we ask you to forgive us, cleanse us from our sins, and enable us to obey by the power of your Holy Spirit.