“My design therefore at this time is to show what are the true, certain, and distinguishing evidences of a work of the Spirit of God, by which we may safely proceed in judging of any operation we find in ourselves, or see in others. And here I would observe, that we are to take the Scriptures as our guide in such cases. This is the great and standing rule which God has given to His Church, in order to guide them in things relating to the great concerns of their souls; and it is an infallible and sufficient rule. “
So begins one of Jonathan Edwards most important sermons, “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God.” Edwards explains what to expect when the Spirit of God is moving and working among the people of God and their churches. The absence of these marks—of any of these marks—should send us to prayer and the Word of God, pleading with Him and searching the Scriptures for revival and renewal.
Edwards’ sermon unfolds in three parts. In Section I, Edwards offers some observations of a negative sort, responding to those who denied the work of the Spirit in revival for one reason or another. Edwards addressed those who were gainsaying the work of revival that was going forward in his day. His comments are specific to their objections. There are arguments in Section 1 which we should carefully consider.
Section II contains the exposition of those marks that we seek and should expect when the Spirit is at work in our midst. Edwards, who had first-hand experience with genuine revival on many occasions, identified five convincing indicators of a work (“operation”) of the Spirit of God. Here they are in his own words:
- “When the operation is such as to raise their esteem of that Jesus who was born of the Virgin, and was crucified without the gates of Jerusalem; and seems more to confirm and establish their minds in the truth of what the gospel declares to us of his being the Son of God, and the Saviour of men; is a sure sign that it is from the Spirit of God.”
- “When the spirit that is at work operates against the interests of Satan’s kingdom, which lies in encouraging and establishing sin, and cherishing man’s worldly lusts; this is a sure sign that it is a true, and not a false spirit.”
- “The spirit that operates in such a manner, as to cause in men a greater regard to the Holy Scriptures, and establishes them more in their truth and divinity, is certainly the Spirit of God.”
- “…if by observing the manner of the operation of a spirit that is at work among a people, we see that it operates as a spirit of truth, leading persons to truth, convincing them of those things that are true, we may safely determine that it is a right and true spirit…”
- “If the spirit that is at work among a people operates as a spirit of love to God and man, it is a sure sign that it is the Spirit of God.”
Section III offers implications and applications of his teaching. His main point in Section III is that, where such a work of the Spirit has begun, we must give ourselves by every means to “do our utmost to promote it.”
In our day, we are hearing reports of revival here and there—on college campuses, mainly: Asbury, Auburn, Ohio State, and others, but also among communities of persecuted believers in various parts of the world.. Will this continue? Will it break out in churches? If it does, is it genuine, and how can we know? Edwards’ observations in “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God” are a valuable resource for seeking revival, renewal, and awakening and for evaluating any claims that such a movement of God is underway.
If you would like a PDF copy of Edwards’ sermon, write to me at tmmoore@ailbe.org.